PLATOS Pilot study

Nina Bauwelinck and Els Lefever
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About PLATOS Pilot study

Annotation guidelines and labeled corpus for the pilot study:

Bauwelinck, Nina and Lefever, Els (2020) Annotating Topics, Stance, Argumentativeness and Claims in Dutch Social Media Comments: A Pilot Study", Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Argumentation Mining (COLING 2020).

Newly adjusted guidelines based on the findings from this pilot study can be found in the technical report:

Bauwelinck, Nina and Lefever, Els (2022) Annotation Guidelines for Labeling Topics, Aspects, Stance, Argumentativeness and Claims in Dutch social media comments (Version 1.0), LT3 Technical Report – LT3 22-01.

Please refer to these when using the guidelines. The technical report will be expanded with the following tasks (premise and argumentative relation annotation) in a later stage of the PLATOS project.

Original guidelines used in the pilot study can also be found here. Please read the readme file, which contains a summary of the contents of the corpus. 

You can contact for any questions about this corpus or the guidelines.