

Constructing a cross-document event coreference corpus for Dutch (.pdf)

De Langhe, L., De Clercq, O., & Hoste, V. (2023).

Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams

Demoen, K., Bentein, G., Bentein, K., Bernard, F., Bértola, J., Boeten, J., Clement, M., Cocola, C., Daveloose, E., De Groot, S., De Potter, P., De Vos, I., Kubina, K., Lauwers, H., Lemay, P., Meesters, R., Morbé, M., Nachtergaele, D., Nemegeer, M., Nielandt, J., Ojala, M., Péchillon, L., Praet, R., Ricceri, R., Rouckhout, A., Schepens, J., Schollaert, F., Shadrin, L., Sietis, N., Skrekas, D., Swaelens, C., Tomadaki, M., Van den Brande, S., Van Nieuwerburgh, M., Van Olmen, L., Vanhoe, N., & Vanhoutte, N. (2023).

Unimodalities count as perspectives in multimodal emotion annotation (.pdf)

Du, Q, Labat, S., Demeester, T., & Hoste, V. (2023).

Translations and Open Science : exploring how translation technologies can support multilingualism in scholarly communication (.pdf)

Fiorini, S., Tezcan, A., Vanallemeersch, T., Szoc, S., Migdisi, K., Meeus, L., & Macken, L. (2023).

A process-based perspective on the effects of machine translation on L2 writing (.pdf)

Fonteyne, M., Daems, J, Montero Perez, M., & Macken, L. (2023).

Diverse content selection for educational question generation (.pdf)

Hadifar, A., Bitew, S., Deleu, J., Hoste, V., Develder, C., & Demeester, T. (2023).

Paying for News Diversity? A Topic Diversity Analysis of Free and Paywalled Online News

Joris, G., Hendrickx, J., Vercoutere, S., De Clercq, O., & De Marez, L. (2023).

Comparing Professional and Platform-driven Critics: A Digital and Sociological Analysis of Literary Gatekeeping and Gatewatching (.pdf)

Martens, G., De Greve, L., Bernaerts, L., Roose, H., Hoste, V., & Vandenhaute, D. (2023).

The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams project : principles, challenges, opportunities (.pdf)

Ricceri, R., Bentein, K., Bernard, F., Bronselaer, A., De Paermentier, E., De Potter, P., De Tré, G., De Vos, I., Deforche, M., Demoen, K., Lefever, E., Rouckhout, A., & Swaelens, C. (2023).

Are there just WordNets or also SignNets? (.pdf)

Schuurman, I., Declerck, T., Brosens, C., Janssens, M., Vandeghinste, V., & Vanroy, B. (2023).

Games with a purpose for the annotation of the Oral Sound Corpus of rural Spanish (.pdf)

Segundo Diaz, R., Bonilla, J., Bouzouita, M., & Ruiz, G. (2023).

DBBErt : part-of-speech tagging of pre-modern Greek text (.pdf)

Swaelens, C., De Vos, I., & Lefever, E. (2023).

A qualitative textual analysis of feedback comments in eportfolios : quality and alignment with the CanMEDS roles (.pdf)

Van Ostaeyen, S., Embo, M., Rotsaert, T., De Clercq, O., Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2023).

The vocabulary demands of English and French L2 textbooks: A cross-lingual corpus study (.pdf)

Van Parys, A, De Wilde, V., Macken, L., & Montero Perez, M. (2023).

SignON sign language translation : progress and challenges (.pdf)

Vandeghinste, V., Shterionov, D., Sisto, M., Brady, A., De Coster, M., Leeson, L., Blat, J., Picron, F., Scipioni, M., Parikh, A., ten Bosch, L., O'Flaherty, J., Dambre, J., Rijckaert, J., Vanroy, B., Nogales, V., Gomez, S., Schuurman, I., Labaka, G., Núnez-Marcos, A., Murtagh, I., McGill, E., & Saggion, H. (2023).

MATEO : MAchine Translation Evaluation Online (.pdf)

Vanroy, B., Tezcan, A., & Macken, L. (2023).

MultiGED-2023 shared task at NLP4CALL : Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection (.pdf)

Volodina, E., Bryant, C., Caines, A., De Clercq, O., Frey, J., Ershova, E., Rosen, A., & Vinogradova, O. (2023).

Resources for Turkish natural language processing (.pdf)

Çöltekin, Ç., Doğruöz, A.S., & Çetinoğlu, Ö. (2023).