Terminology and Translation Technology

Els Lefever and Joke Daems
Target group
Postgraduate Dutch and Translation

About Terminology and Translation Technology

The course unit "Terminology and translation technology" (A4TV) consists of two parts.

The first part, on terminology, covers the following:

• fundamental principles of the theory of terminology (concept, concept system, description of a concept, term, assigning a term to a concept)

• neology, language for specific purposes and normalisation

Much attention is devoted to practical aspects, including the in-house GenTerm terminological record; term extraction practice; terminology management (using SDL MultiTerm); terminographical products, incl. thesauri.

The second part, on translation technology, covers the following:

•  general introduction to translation technology, introduction to machine translation and its integration in translation memory tools, translation software, character encoding and file formats for translation;

•  hands-on introduction to, and critical assessment of, translation memory software (SDL Trados Studio and comparison with competitors incl. memoQ; interoperability standards);

•  Introduction to Quality Assurance (QA) (E.g. Spelling and grammar checking, tag verification, etc.) and translation project/flow management (calculate project statistics, measure overlap between segments to translate and the Translation Memory, etc.);

•  the part on translation technology ends with a larger translation project where the students are asked to translate various file formats (Word, HTML) by means of SDL Trados Studio.