Compound splitter demo

Compounding is a highly productive process in Germanic languages such as Dutch and German. A compound splitter splits compounds into their component parts, e.g. liefde+s+drank or [post+zegel]+verzamelaar.

This demo allows Dutch input up to 500 characters. You can either input running text or single words (one word per line). If you are interested in using the compound splitter for other purposes contact

More information on the compound splitter can be found in the following publication:
Lieve Macken and Arda Tezcan. 2018. “Dutch Compound Splitting for Bilingual Terminology Extraction.” In Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, ed. Ruslan Mitkov, Johanna Monti, Gloria Corpas Pastor, and Violeta Seretan. Vol. 341. John Benjamins, pp. 148–162.